The Incomplete

I am my unfinished story which I started few days back, and also those unread mails waiting patiently with my two-word chats. ... I am my midway left books which I arrogantly avoid to read again, and also those leftover potato chips Getting ruined besides my beer can. ... I am my unfinished painting staring... Continue Reading →

A Decade Without Love

Since a decade when I first fell for her or maybe her hair which sang and synced  as she talked or shall I say for everything    Since a decade when i first held her hand so soft and fairly clad in mine with warmth and trust which I was so proud of that now... Continue Reading →


Amay is as nervous as any day but today the matter is extremely serious. From his silent life, he continues to gather expressions for what is about to come. He moves forward his trembling legs asking strangers in a strange colony with even more strange expressions for address written on paper, without words.    “Oh Masterji’s house? Take first... Continue Reading →

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