
"Have you ever felt doubtful about anything?" "Aha! About everything, every second. Why? Are you now afraid?" "Nah. It's the confident ones, I am more afraid of."

Just Because

Leave it to god. I chanted these words which my mother told me on nights I couldn’t sleep. Leave it to god. But the chain of my deeds is strong indeed. Those broken hearts, unkept promises, forgotten names, incomplete camaraderies, discarded dreams, unfinished stories, and above all lost hope kept my mind on alert. To... Continue Reading →

Shades of Life

“I never saw you wear this lipstick”, My best friend, Shreya, pointed out while going through my pink make-up kit. “I used to wear it in Infy, Don’t you remember?” I firmly told her questioning her ability to observe me and then, after a few seconds added:” It’s okay, no one notices such stupid little... Continue Reading →

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