Out of the Wor/l/d

Have you ever feel word-less? No, not speechless but word-less. It happened to me a few times, here and there. It happens when you know a thousand words to say, a bundle of things to spark up the conversation, and many topics waiting to be discussed, but you have lost the urge to even utter... Continue Reading →

Shades of Life

“I never saw you wear this lipstick”, My best friend, Shreya, pointed out while going through my pink make-up kit. “I used to wear it in Infy, Don’t you remember?” I firmly told her questioning her ability to observe me and then, after a few seconds added:” It’s okay, no one notices such stupid little... Continue Reading →


How foolishly we get trapped by the bright things around us, forgetting those could be just a lure. While those plain dull things, which lie waiting, are easily forgotten and ignored. And slowly as we age, we realize that all that glitters is not gold. We spend our lives defending the glitters we once believed... Continue Reading →

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